Aftonroe (sport climb)
July 19, 2018
5.7 sport climb with Dan.
The excellent reputation for this 5.7 sport climb is well-deserved. Set
up by Mark Klassen and Todd Anthony-Malone, the route features great rock in a beautiful setting.
its popularity we got a relatively early start and were climbing
by around 8 am in perfect weather conditions. We traded a few leads,
but Dan did the bulk of the heavy lifting (i.e. led all the crux
pitches). Throughout, the rock was excellent and
the route easy to follow – very enjoyable!
On descent we did run into one other party but had no problems rappelling
past them as they waited at a belay station.
Super fun and easy day of climbing with “Dan the Lead Man”.

Terrific views of the Bow Valley while hiking up to the climb

Dan eyes up one of the upper pitches

As always the Bow River looks fantastic

Mountains of the Sundance Range

I think I led this one but am nowhere to be seen (probably cowering behind one of those trees)

Famous Mount Rundle (left) joins the view

The crux pitch

Rap time

Looking back at the route

Back at the beautiful Bow River, just as the weather starts to break down

A bald eagle was close by and provided some entertainment at the end of the day
The End