Alderson Lake
5, 2012
height: 1800
Elevation gain: 450m
Ascent time: 3:05
time: 1:40
trip was good for the exercise, but not much else. The dreary weather
put a
real damper on what could have been a very scenic view of Alderson Lake
the mighty walls of Mount Alderson’s northwest face. The 7 km snowshoe
to get
there was not exactly rife with fantastic views, being in the trees
most of the
time. Continuing on to Carthew Lakes was out of the question, given the
objective hazard beyond Alderson Lake and the fact that I was alone.
all of the above,
I certainly would return to the area on a clear day and with some
partners to
complete the ascent to Carthew Lakes.

A dreary look back to Vimy Peak and the town of Waterton

An outlier of Buchanan Ridge

The northwest side of Mount Alderson

A couple of small icefalls of Alderson

Buchanan Peak

Blustery weather

A ramp leading to the north ridge of Alderson

Alderson Lake, Mount Carthew, and Buchanan Peak

More windy weather

A very brief break of blue

Leaving the lake

A scary looking icefall on Alderson