Mount Arethusa attempt
November 30, 2002
Scrambling with
Big shame we
were not able to make it all the way to the summit of Mount Arethusa. The
approach was fantastic, the scenery throughout also fantastic, and we were able
to enjoy a few sections of terrific hands-on scrambling. Upon reaching the
ridge we started the more challenging section of the trip. Unfortunately, the
downclimb right before the summit was choked with snow and ice. Any mistake
here and you plunge to your death. It was a no-brainer – we turned around
immediately, vowing to return another day with more favourable conditions.

Fun scrambling

On the ridge

The summit at the left. Mount Rae behind me.


Looking back along the ridge, with Storm Mountain behind

Lots of cool rock features on the ridge

Back down in the valley
The End