Bennett Pass Peak
July 12, 2022
Mountain height: 2160 m
Elevation gain: approximately
600 m
time: 3:30
Solo scramble.
With a 4-hour
time limit, this minor summit northwest of Wall Lake and close to Bennett Pass
seemed like a good idea – and it was!
The trip starts
with a 5.2 km hike or bike to Wall Lake. Obviously, I (e)biked it, arriving at
the lake in about 25 minutes. After hiking about 1 km towards Bennett Pass, I
left the trail, aiming for a group of red argillite rock bands lining the upper
section of the objective. They did not disappoint and neither did the summit
view. Of course, Akamina Ridge blocked the entire view to the south, but the
rest of the view was pretty decent for a minor peak of very modest height.
For descent I
was able to work my way down the west ridge of the peak, right back to the
Bennett Pass hiking trail, making for a pleasant loop. The bike ridge back was
fun and exhilarating.
Great little
peak if time is short and/or you are in the Wall Lake area.

Wall Lake

Akamina Ridge at the left and Bennett Pass Peak at the right

Results of the Kenow fire: stripped, burned tress and the lush green of new growth

Great scenery along the Bennett Pass Trail

Some of the great rock scenery that's part of Akamina Ridge

Lots of water flowing down into Wall Lake

Not surprisingly there is still a great deal of snow in the upper valley

Looking up the lower section of the ascent route up Bennett Pass Peak

Flowery slopes to ascend

The first of many scenes of red argillite

The second!

Summit of Akamina Ridge
Some of the interesting scenery en route to the summit

Summit view to the west

Mount Rowe to the northeast

Wall Lake

Wall Lake and more

Looking down the very precipitous northwest side of the peak

Looking down the less precipitous west side where I went down

Descended alongside this cool wall

Even without the Sun lighting it up, the red argillite is awesome

The crux of the descent was downclimbing this gully. It's very ledgey and easier than it appears.

More of the west ridge descent and Alamina Ridge

With the Sun, the argillite is magnificent

One day I will have to explore this section of amazing rock

Back down to the Bennett Pass Trail

Looking back to the objective on the right

The west end of Wall Lake

Last look at Bennett Pass Peak

Last look at Wall Lake
The End