October 9, 2004
Mountain height: 3,185 m (10,449 ft)
Elevation gain: approx. 1,100 m
Roundtrip time:
Scrambling with Mark.
10:30 am
appeared to be a completely feasible ascent. Five hours later it had turned
into, “Not on your life, Jose!” Sparing everyone the boring details, about
half way up the ascent slope, we were hit hard by heavy snow and strong winds.
We persevered up to the summit ridge, but the snow had no intention of letting
up and, in the present conditions, the difficult scramble to the summit would
have been risky at best and downright stupid at its worse. Also, the whiteout
conditions meant that there would have been no summit view and we, therefore,
would have been compelled to return anyway. Without too much debate, we make a
slow, tedious, and painstaking retreat down the steep rubble slopes, covered
with a fresh layer of snow.

Mark, with Mount
Galatea in the background - a little snow,
but certainly nothing to worry about

Mark, at the summit ridge -
alot more snow...definitely something to worry about!

Me at the summit

Looking back the the ascent
route on return; a slightly different look than the scene 6 hours earlier