Gravenstafel Ridge II
August 3, 2018
Mountain height: 2394 m
Elevation gain: 940 m
Roundtrip time: approximately 5.5
Solo scramble.
The goal of this trip was to check out the new hiking trail to Haig Lake.
Of course, one thing led to another and before I knew it a second visit to the
summit of Gravenstafel Ridge was on the menu too.
In a nutshell, the hike to the lake was easy and pleasant, getting to
the Haig/Gravenstafel col a tour de force of super cool, Castle rock and wild colours, the hike
to the summit longer than I remembered, but also easy, pleasant and scenic, and
the descent insanely easy via roads on the Castle Mountain ski hill.
The last surprise of an awesome day out was stumbling upon a new trail (“Waterfall
Walk”) that features innumerable small waterfalls cascading down a red argillite
creek bed – outstanding!

The new hiking trail uses ski outs and access roads

Lush vegatation on the south side of Gravenstafel

Once Mount Haig is visible, it's hard to look away!

Approaching Haig Lake


Yes, there is a remnant glacier on the west side of the lake. It fills
a small glacial pond that is a very different colour from Haig Lake.

The pond, the lake, and Gravenstafel Ridge

It's not the cleanest glacier in the world!

Difficult to see the difference in water hues from this angle

Doing a little demonstration on wave interference for my Physics 30 students

The only wildlife I saw

Heading up to the Haig/Gravenstafel col. Definitely the colour highlight of the trip.

Easy to the see the difference in lake and pond colour from this angle

Faint Moon

The north ridge of Mount Haig

Here comes some of the sweetest rock in town

Some of the unnamed highpoints that connect Haig to St. Eloi to Syncline

The connecting ridge to Haig
More incredible rock

Approaching the summit. Mount Syncline at the left.

Looking back down to Haig Lake

Summit cairn

So many ridges and highpoints to the west and northwest that beg some exploration

Unnamed peak and Mount Tombstone behind

St. Eloi, just right of centre

Heading down the north ridge of Gravenstafel

The interesting rock never ends!

Looking back up to the summit
Photos from the Waterfall Walk

The End