– September 3, 2007
Mountain height:
2500 m
Elevation gain:
790 m
Roundtrip time:
Hiking with Grace.
definitely rates as one of the easiest summits in the Canadian Rockies to
attain and after a long day on
the day before, something short and easy seemed like a wise choice. Initially
it was and having the wonderful company of Grace made of somewhat dull approach
very pleasant. As we started up the lightly treed southeast slopes, however, I
started to get a migraine. Unfortunately it got worse and worse and by the time
we reached the summit, I was in terrible shape. Hardly taking the time to check
out somewhat unremarkable views, I tried to take a nap at the summit, to no
avail. The descent, though easy, was also a miserable experience, and I felt
terrible that I was such lousy company for Grace. She thought nothing of it and
was very forgiving. Wonderful company, but a fairly miserable day because of the
In regards to the actual
mountain, a good hike, but I don’t imagine the ascent will ever be popular –
not challenging enough and lackluster views.

Peak from the approach trail; this boring photo pretty much sums up the

The summit view
to the west

Lots of
clear-cutting to the south

Grace rests at
the summit

Coffin Mountain