Medicine Grizzly Peak
August 28, 2023
Mountain height: 2534 m
Elevation gain:
approximately 1219 m
Round-trip time: 10:10
Solo scramble.
A severely
overdue return to one of my favourite places on Earth, Glacier National Park,
Montana, and also a great opportunity to feed my red argillite addiction!
I had been
salivating over the photos of this peak in Blake Passmore’s awesome guidebook Climb
Glacier National Park, Volume 5 for several years. Unfortunately, a pandemic,
restrictions across the border, and restrictions in the park kept getting in
the way of an attempt, until August 28, 2023. And how wonderful it was to find
myself at a Glacier National Park trailhead once again!
The trip started
with about 10 km of easy hiking on two of the park’s innumerable excellent
trails. After that, a short but fierce bushwhack preceded what would quickly become a tour
de force of jaw-dropping scenery. From beyond the bushwhack, the crux of the
trip was trying to get to the summit without being distracted and diverted by a
million things worthy of distraction and diversion!
Of course there
was the red argillite scenery – massive boulders strewn across the landscape and vibrant layers on full display;
then came the unnamed lake – a tranquil turquoise oasis; next was an unplanned visit
to a small glacier above the lake – not a huge glacier but one that I didn’t
expect to see up-close; next, the actual ascent – a fun scramble on classic fun
GNP terrain; and finally the summit view – a little hazy in the distance, but otherwise
spectacular in every direction, filled with striking (and many familiar) peaks.
After a long
and immensely gratifying summit stay, I took a slightly different route down
the mountain and circled the unnamed lake. Views of the colourful body of water
were remarkable. And to avoid the nastiest part of the bushwhack, a traversing
route towards Morning Star Lake seemed like a good idea and it was – the last
unplanned diversion of the day. All that remained after that was a 10.6 km hike
back to start. While it was a bit foot-numbing, the high I was riding from the
day’s events helped get me through the long and sometimes mundane walk.
asked for a more rewarding and awe-inspiring return to the gem of the
United States,
Glacier National Park! This peak convincingly moves into my Top 10
favourite scrambles of all-time. A huge thank you to Mr. Passmore for
bringing it to my attention and for his excellent route description.

Early morning light on Bad Marriage Mountain

First look at Medicine Grizzly Peak

The pyramidal shape of Flinsch Peak is eye-catching

Small double waterfall is a pleasant distraction en route

Medicine Grizzly gets its first rays of Sun

The striking east side of the objective is too steep to scramble

It's also insanely colourful

Getting below that buttress is the key to the route up into the basin below the peak

Looking up the route to the buttress. There's a short but nasty section of bushwhacking to get through first.

Above the bushwhack is nothing but amazing scenery

Great rock

....and twisted dead tress: staples of Northern Montana/Southern Alberta

First significant red argillite sighting

Orange berries. A good reminder to makes lots of noise!


Red berries. Nice that the bears get a choice!

The striking buttress demands lots of photo attention

As does the scenery in front

Finally near the base

Medicine Grizzly Peak, looking far more friendly from its south side

A red rock, Flinsch Peak, and Mount Morgan

Close-up of Flinsch

Some of the brightest argillite I've ever seen

Approaching the crux that goes up and alongside the rock wall at the left

Passmore describes the scene: "The basin itself is a magical place with
massive blocks of argillite. Some of the blocks stand 20 feet in the

Mountain goats. I watched them go up the mountain on terrain that would put the fear of God into Alex Honnold!

A small sample of the argillite boulders in the basin

A big example!

At the beautiful unnamed lake. The actual Medicine Grizzly Lake sits on the north side of the peak.

Same as above

What's left of the glacier in the basin. On some maps its depicted as being much bigger.

Across the lake (and the valley) sit Bad Marriage Mountain, Eagle Plume Mountain, and Red Mountain

The north end of the lake

Following a glacial meltwater stream to get to the glacier

As a bonus, it's running down red argillite!

Same as above

Sweet layers of rock

Back to the stream

Back to the rock

The ascent route is at the right, but I'm going left

Resistance is futile!!

Another spot of brilliantly coloured rock

Almost at the glacier

A glacial cave

Looking into it

Looking out from just inside

The cool roof of the cave

Looking out after venturing a little deeper into the cave

Interesting ice

Same as above

Another cave at the other end

Saying goodbye to the glacier

Farewell - you will be missed

Time to ascend Medicine Grizzly Peak

The impressively steep walls south of the peak

Looking back to the lake and Red Mountain

More steep walls

The very impressive peak southwest of Medicine Grizzly (part of the
same ridge) is higher than Medicine Grizzly but unnamed. Obviously
there is no scramble route between the two.

The upper section of the ascent features amazing rock and fun scrambling

Like this

Yellow lichen on red rock - still my favourite!

There was an easy scramble route up through this fantastic section of rock

A little route-finding required here, but an easy route was found

Another section of super red rock

Hitting the ridge to see this colourful view

The view over to the unnamed peak was likewise killer!

All of the above

Reminiscing about a super fun and interesting day on Mount James (left), Amphitheater Mountain (right)....

...and Little Amp (right)

Nothing but vertical walls on the north side of Medicine

Looking down to the approach valley

Minutes away from the summit and Mount Stimson (left) and Razoredge Mountain make their appearance

Summit views: Razoredge (left), with Blackfoot and Logan in the distance

Blackfoot and Logan are also showing less glaciation than what's shown on maps

Norris Mountain and Triple Divide Peak (blended into Norris). Another very memorable day in GNP.

Mount James

Medicine Grizzly Lake at the top and an unnamed lake at the bottom

The first of many summit panoramas

The lake in the basin

The view to the northwest was probably the highlight, courtesy of the lakes and colourful peaks

Some burgundy argillite near the summit didn't hurt the view

Same as above

Mount Stimson - one of six peaks in the peak, over 10,000 feet

Nice to get all three lakes in the pano

More colourful rock on descent

The lake below was stunning throughout the decent, providing plenty of motivation to keep it in view as much as possible

Couldn't help myself at this point and just took a ton of photos of this beaut. My self control has not improved with age!

Easy to see why the lake is such a light turquoise colour - the stream emptying into the lake is full of silt

The lake and Eagle Plume Mountain

Not sure that I'd ever wear these colours as a clothing combination, but they sure look good in the mountains!

Couldn't pass up on circling the lake here - the colours and views were breath-taking

One of two small tarns near the lake


The other tarn

Looking back

The tarn and the lake are separated by a thin strip of land

Same as above

No tarn

Back over the argillite boulders

Last look at the lake with Medicine Grizzly

More boulders

Looking down the crux. There was a stream running down it, making for very slippery conditions.

Relieved to be past the crux

And still obsessed with the red rock

Morning Star Lake. Traversing towards it helped to avoid the bushwhacking encountered on ascent.


Morning Star Lake

Same as above

Heading home. Parts of Mount James, Little Amp Peak, and Kupunkamint Mountain provided good views.

Different perspective of the double waterfall

A shallow tarn and part of Bad Marriage

More of Bad Marriage

Almost back to the parking lot, where sit peaks of the Mad Wolf Grand Circuit. Mad Wolf Mountain at the left brings back some interesting memories!
The End