O Ochre Spring Peak  O 

May 24, 2015

Mountain height:     2777 m
Elevation gain:        1350 m
Ascent time:            3:25
Descent time:          2:00

Solo scramble.

SOISTHEMAN named this delightful peak off Highway 93 south, and so after seeing his trip report, as well as that of Josée and Fabrice, I set off to repeat the ascent, hoping to snowshoe up and then glissade down most of the mountain. Unfortunately, my timing seemed to be a little off and after the very cool approach via the Paint Pots, I ended up at the bottom of a surprisingly snow-free ascent slope. Nevertheless, there was plenty of snow higher up and so I kept my snowshoes on my backpack and started up.

The ascent was very easy at first, but with increasing grades higher up and increasing amounts of hard snow, putting on the snowshoes became necessary. They certainly helped in making the upper slopes easier and more enjoyable to ascend. Throughout, views of the mountains around Highway 93S improved dramatically. However, that was nothing compared to the 360 degree panorama that awaited at the summit – that view was staggering!!! The Goodsirs, the backside of the Valley of the Ten Peaks, all the Kane scrambles in the area, Foster Peak, The Rockwall and even the distant Howser Towers – WOW!  

After a long and rewarding summit stay, I attempted to traverse some of the ridge to the north. Unfortunately, the attempt was short-lived, as a drop-off ended progress.

The descent did not disappointed in the least. I was able to glissade 600 of the 1200 vertical metres from the summit to the trail.

An outstanding day on another one of those pesky unofficial peaks that is a better deal than some of the official peaks in the area!

Near the beginning of the beautiful Paint Pots trail.

Ochre Spring Peak reflected in a colourful pool.

The disappointing lack of snow at the bottom of the ascent route.

Snow! Finally!!

The remants of avalanche debris. You wouldn't want to do this ascent too early!

 The view starts to pen up. Foster Peak at the far left.

Initially I thought these were crazy carpet tracks, but it is where a signifcant slab on snow has slid down the mountain.

Mount Drysdale ??

Foster Peak

The magnificant Goodsirs at the left

The backside of the Valley of the Ten Peaks (of course that's all relative - do mountains have a frontside and backside??)
Hungabee and Deltaform at the left, Allen in the centre and Temple to the right.

Temple, Fay, and Quadra

Hungabee and Deltaform

Traversing the heavily corniced ridge

Looking back at my tracks

More cornice scenery

End of the line. There is an unseen drop-off in front.

The crumbly shale on the ridge was at least colourful.

Heading back to the summit.

Same as above.

My glissade track.

Back at the Paint Pots, looking at Vermilion Peak.

Very cool colours

Looking back at Ochre Spring Peak.