July 13, 2018
Mountain height: 2530 m
Elevation gain: approximately
800 m
Ascent time: 2:15
Descent time: approximately 3
Solo scramble.
Hard to believe that thirteen years had passed since I last stood atop
this peak. A return to the beautiful environs of Window Mountain Lake and the
mountains that surround the lake was long overdue and so I set off to repeat
the trip, a much grayer and slower man than in 2005. While the lake and Mount
Ward were certainly the focus of the trip, I also wanted to see if it was
possible to make a loop route out of it by basically circling the lake on the
ridge high above it.
The easy hike to Window Mountain Lake did not disappoint and as expected
the lake itself was very beautiful (I may be slower than the thirteen years
younger version of myself, but my appreciation for mountain scenery has increased
to compensate!)
I was kinda’ hoping that, in the intervening years, a well-worn trail up
Mount Ward had been pounded into the scree, but such was not the case – at the
least for the rubbly and tedious upper half that leads to the ridge. Nevertheless,
the ridge view of Window, Crowsnest and The Seven Sisters more than made up for
the steep, unstable, and relentless grind.
After a short but gratifying summit stay I descended the southwest ridge
of Ward and kept going on towards the highpoint northeast of Mount Allison. That
highpoint was not easily gained, requiring a fair amount of annoying
side-hilling on steep, loose rubble. From there, south goes to Allison Peak and
north goes to the ridge that circles Window Mountain Lake – I went north.
This part of the trip was much easier than the section from Ward to the
highpoint and featured outstanding views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
I soon found myself on familiar terrain, recalling a relatively recent ascent
of Mount Racehorse. At the end of the ridge,
instead of continuing north to the Racehporse Pass trail, I turned southeast
and made my way down fairly steep slopes back to the lake. Of course, I then
felt compelled to hike around the opposite side of the lake to maximize the experience.
While Window Mountain Lake is no Moraine Lake it certainly
has a wonderful charm of its own.
Upon completing the trip, I decided that a quick visit to another
Crowsnest area lake I had never seen before was warranted. Chinook Lake provided
pleasant scenery and the trail around it 2 km of easy, stress-free walking – an
excellent way to end an excellent day.

Wildflowers and the southeast ridge of Racehorse Peak

Great trail and Mount Ward

Window Mountain Lake

Clearly someone has placed these rocks here to make access to the island easy

On the island and looking at the ascent route for Ward (right to left)

The scree/rubble ascent route up Ward. Starts off gently but gets steep higher up.

Looking back to Window Mountain Lake

The view that awaits at the ridge. Window Mountain is pretty obvious!

Nice, east ridgewalk to finish the ascent

Racehorse Peak is about 150 m higher than Ward

Window Mountain and Allison Peak. The traverse from one to the other is exhilarating!

The summit cairn of Mount Ward. The Seven Sisters and Crowsnest Mountain are two of the highlights of the view.

Descending Ward's southwest ridge

The route to the highpoint northeast of Allison

Looking back at Ward and Window

Window Mountain Lake is only body of water visible from the ridge. This lake lies to the west of the highpoint

Close-up of the lake

Looking back to Ward

At the highpoint, with the ridge to Allison to the south

Summit view to the north from the highpoint. Mount Racehorse on the left.

Distant but distinctive Mount Washburn

Hard to ignore The Seven Sisters and Crowsnest

Typical terrain, while descending from the highpoint

Typical views, while descending from the highpoint

Approaching the next highpoint along the ridge. This one connects to Mount Racehorse.

The only real scrambling between highpoints

Looking back to where I came from

Most of the route up Ward and the traverse are visible

Window Mountain Lake becomes the unequivocal highlight for the remainder of the trip

Mount Racehorse. Ascending the peak from this direction would be very cool.

The long northwest ridge of Allison Peak looks very interesting

The view of the lake changes enough to warrant much photo attention

Almost the highpoint of the ridge northwest of the lake

Someone has built a cairn there

Aerial views of lakes are almost always super cool!

Heading down

Steep descent back to the lake

Back at the island

A fisherperson

Another fisherperson nears the lake outlet
Chinook Lake

The south side of the lake features good views of the upper half of Crowsnest Mountain

Parts of Mount Tecumseh and some unnamed peaks are seen from the east side

The rest of Tecumseh

Pleasant shades of green and blue

The trail is excellent and stay near the lakeshore on the north side of the lake

View from the west end

Lots of activity on this beautiful day

The End