Worthington attempt –
June 4, 2005
Roundtrip time:
Hiking with Kevin.
We may have bitten off a little more than we could chew
with this attempt of far-off Mount
Worthington. Basically we enjoyed a mostly snow–free 10 km hike to a highpoint above
Three-Isle Lake, where we were a little disappointed (but maybe not surprised)
to find the ascent route plastered in deep snow. Postholing in the slurpee-like
snow throughout the long ascent was a forgone conclusion and we estimated a
labourious 4-hour ascent, minimum. We hummed and hahed for 15 minutes deciding
whether to make an attempt. On clear day, it would have been a no-brainer and
certainly we would have gone for it. However, the low cloud ceiling ensured
views would be limited and since this summit would put us in close proximity of
spectacular 11,000er Mount King George, disappointment was almost guaranteed.
Add to that my less than peak physical condition, having completed a 9-hour
ascent of the Limestone Mountain Loop the day before, and the decision was quite
clear. In retrospect, it was a good choice, as both of us were somewhat
fatigued upon returning to the Kananaskis
parking lot. Nevertheless, an enjoyable day of interesting hiking.

Looking across Upper Kananaskis
Lake towards Mount Lyautey (left); Mount
Worthington is just visible to the right of Lyautey and the more
prominent peak to the right is Mount Putnik.

The popular 5.6 climbing route
"Joy", on Mount Indefatigable.

Worthington through the gap, Putnik to the

Kevin traverses snow slopes
towards Worthington

The closest we got to Mount

Heading home.