Day 1

Fly in and Windy Ridge
Mountain height: 2696 m
Elevation gain:
660 m
Round-trip time: 4:45
The eight of us
met at the Shark Mountain staging area (thank you to Srdjan for driving our
group) and we were soon boarding the helicopter. Even in very cloudy conditions,
the 10-minute flight was a wonderful experience.
I thought we would be high
above all the nearby mountains, but we stayed relatively low, getting exhilaratingly
close to Mount Turner.
After landing,
we hiked to the Naiset Huts, dropped off most of our gear and then set our
sights on Windy Ridge. We all wanted to make the most of our three days and
sitting around waiting for better weather was not an option.
Windy Ridge was
a perfect choice for the cloudy conditions. Ascending something more significant
may have been disappointing due to a lack of comprehensive views.
This was also
an opportunity for each of us to get to know the rest of the crew. Natasha was
the only member of our octet that I had previously hiked with. And what a wonderful
and interesting group of human beings we had! Of course, we all shared a common
love for the mountains, but it was great to hear parts of the life stories of each
of the seven. Of course, what is said in Assiniboine stays in Assiniboine, so
there ends the illicit and explicit details!
However, I will
say that Sean has a periodontal practice in the same building as my periodontist
and skis at least once in every month of the year, the other Shawn plays hockey
on the same team as my best friend’s husband, Srdjan has a speedy hiking pace
that I was instantly envious of, Marko can carry in enough food to get any
group of eight through an apocalypse, Natasha’s command
of the Serbian language is superior to mine (perhaps because I only speak English), Meggie is just plain sweet, and Orlagh has
the coolest Irish accent ever!
Back to Windy
Ridge. Srdjan led throughout, setting a brisk and efficient pace. The weather
sucked but the larches were almost at the prime yellow and the company was
awesome. I don’t think anyone really cared that the views were not as good as
they could be. Returning to the col between Windy Ridge and Og Mountain, Sean, Meggie,
and Marko decided to take a run up Og, while the rest of us
returned to the hut.
The day ended
with a wonderful group meal, though it became immediately apparent we had brought way
too much food!

Our mode of transportation arrives (photo by Sean)

happy humans in the helicopter and heading for Assiniboine. Sean was in
the front and also happy. We shall we assume the pilot was happy (photo
by Natasha).

Mount Turner dead ahead

Love the physics and geology of meandering rivers

Marvel Peak above Marvel Lake

Passing Turner - shows how low the flight. Also we came much closer to Turner than this.

enjoying life on the left side of the 'copter, with the pilot on the right. Being a helicopter pilot
definitely favours those from England, Australia, Japan, India, and Sir Lanka
(as a half English, half Sri Lankan person, you'd think I was readymade
for the job!) (photo by

An unnamed lake and Marvel Lake, with Aye Mountain in the background (photo by Sean)

Landed and hiking to our lodging for the three days - the Naiset Huts

stop near the Lake Magog turn-off to see the lake and surrounding
mountains. The top of Mount Assiniboine is in the clouds (photo by Sean).

these two elk and a very wound-up grouse on Day 2 were the only wild animals we saw
(unless you count our group at mealtime!) (photo by Natasha)

A minor canyon feature leads the group out into a wide open valley to the north

A very common scene for the next three days: Srdjan leading and setting a brisk hiking pace (photo by Natasha).

Marko and Assiniboine (photo by Natasha)

The open valley is home to many beautiful peaks, including Nasswald, Windy, Og, and Cave (photo by Sean)

The view behind (photo by Sean)

Some random guy pointing Shawn in the wrong direction (photo by Natasha)

We would eventually turn hard left towards Windy Ridge. Og Mountain is stretched out in front of us (photo by Sean).

It's going to be three days of larch magic!

First group photo, with Shawn, Natasha, Meggie, and Marko (photo by Sean)

"The Matterhorn of the Rockies" demonstrates why it has earned that descriptor

Great scenery, even with the gloomy conditions

What a view this would be on a clear day! (photo by Sean)

It's snowing on that guy who wanted to lead the group into the wrong valley - karma (photo by Natasha)

Windy Ridge ahead

Shawn looks over the approach. Although Assiniboine appears to be very distant, it's only a 1.5 hour hike away (photo by Sean)

Marko and Windy Ridge (photo by Sean)

Beautifully framed and very atmospheric - great shot by Natasha

Meggie on the well-trodden trail (photo by Natasha)

Srdjan reaches the first viewpoint well ahead of the remainder of the group. Orlagh was right behind him.

Unnamed lake

More wild gesticulating motions from that guy in yellow. Who invited him?? (photo by Sean)

Threatening skies

Grinding our way up Windy with Og Mountain behind

Sean watches the group head for the summit (photo by Sean)

Six of the group (photo by Sean)

Still grinding (photo by Srdjan)

Summit view from Windy Ridge

Nations meeting at the summit. It was eventually decided that half
English, half Sri Lankan people should get their fish and chips and
curry for free, worldwide.

Leaving the meeting behind while heading north

Marko wants in, proposing we add Two-Bite Brownies to the list (photo by Sean)

We continued north along the ridge for a short distance until it
dramatically dropped off. Continuation to the next highpoint is not
possible without climbing gear.

Og Lake at the right (photo by Natasha)

Returning to the summit (photo by Sean)

The summit septet. Left to right: Marko, Shawn, Srdjan, Meggie, uninvited stranger, Natasha, and Orlagh (photo by Sean)

Heading down (photo by Sean)

Meggie and Marko ascend Og Mountain (photo by Sean)

The troops head down after reaching the summit of Og (photo by Sean)

Same as above (photo by Sean)

Our quintet is well on our way back to the huts (photo by Natasha)

Another round of larch magic for Meggie, Marko, and Sean (photo by Sean)

The summit of Assiniboine appears but the rest of the mountain is now swimming in clouds (photo by Natasha)

Signs of clearing around the mighty mountain


Sean, Marko, and Meggie get that same cool view of Assiniboine through the clouds (photo by Sean)

The Towers are a distinctive feature of the area

The trio make their way across the open valley (photo by Sean)

The one and only photo of the entire NR (Natasha Rajcevic) Octet: Natasha, Orlagh, Srdjan,
Sean, Andrew, Shawn, Meggie, and Marko (photo by friendly person in the
dining area)
continue to Day 2