Chucks Ridge
The Nublet

Sunburst Lake

Great views of Point Raeder while hiking around the lake, but it's a shame the Sun is behind the mountain

Also visible, from right to left, are The Nublet, Nub Peak, and Chucks Ridge (small peak just left of centre)

Of course Assiniboine, Magog, Terrapin, and Naiset Peak are still giving me the shudders!

View from the north end of Sunburst Lake, features Naiset Point, Naiset Peak, and Terrapin Mountain

Onto Cerulean Lake, featuring Nub Peak and The Nublet

Same as above

Point Raeder is still commanding much attention, but not half as much as it will later in the day

Chucks Ridge appears, en route to Elizabeth Lake

Got my money's worth of lake reflections from the shores of Elizabeth Lake. Chucks Ridge (left) and Nub Peak north of the lake.

Chucks Ridge. I didn't expect to be standing atop that peak when I left the lake.

View from the west end of the lake

Meanwhile, Meggie is being harassed by this very aggressive grouse (photo by Natasha)
Close-up of the predatory beast! (photo by Sean)

Back to Chucks Ridge. Typical terrain on the ridge.

The view to the south from Chucks was one of the highlights of the day

The view to the north was nothing to sneeze at either!

(there will be multiple "Meanwhiles" henceforth!), the rest of the
group is on their way up The Nublet (photo by Natasha)

Nub Peak from the summit of Chucks Ridge. Unseen is the challenging terrain needed to descend to get to the col.

That great view again

But this is the view everyone comes to see - Srdjan and his red jacket! (photo by Natasha)

They come to see this one too (photo by Sean)

Hard to find a better place in the Rockies to take a break and enjoy the view than this one (photo by Meggie)

Meanwhile, I'm losing all the elevation I gained up Chucks Ridge and returning to Elizabeth Lake

The group continued past The Nublet to this fine viewpoint, perfectly captured by Natasha. Elizabeth Lake joins the view.

Mesmerized (photo by Sean)

Sean and the phenomenal view (photo by Meggie)

Meanwhile, I'm racing the setting Sun, still trying to get to Nub Peak

Srdjan points out Point Raeder (photo by Sean)

Orlagh, Natasha, and Sean (photo by Meggie)

Marko and the phenomenal view (photo by Sean)

Meanwhile, I have gained the ridge between Nub Peak and The Nublet, but the setting Sun is not playing nice!

However, the overall view is playing real nice!

Orlagh and the phenomenal view (photo by Sean)

Random cairn between Nub and Nublet

The beautiful late-day colours have arrived

The NMMO quartet with the phenomenal view (photo by Sean)

Assiniboine, the Moon, and Point Raeder

Reunited. It was great to be with the group again (photo by Natasha).

Orlagh, me, Assiniboine, and the Moon (photo by Natasha)

Marko replaces Orlagh and me

The top of Assiniboine reflected in Sunburst Lake (photo by Natasha)

More late-day magic

Awesome black and white photo by Sean

Bye-bye Sun, see you in about 11.75 hours

The view while descending continues to impress

Natasha and you know who (photo by Sean)

Last group photo by Sean

Srdjan gets the fire going in the hut so we don't all freeze to death! (photo by Sean)
Continue to Day 3