“Corona Extra”
July 12, 2022
Mountain height: 2810 m
Elevation gain: 1150
time: 10:05
Solo scramble.
Move over Spreading
Ridge and make room for Corona Extra!
A recent ascent
of Spreading Ridge reignited my interest in the stunning area of the Canadian
Rockies around Mount Murchison. Although South Totem Peak and Spreading Peak
would be the next logical objective, I wanted to save those for a day when Mark
was available to join me. However, I did recall seeing some photos by Calvin Damen
from a nearby unnamed peak at the head of Totem Creek.
I would find out,
several days after the trip, that Doug Lutz had also ascended this peak and
unofficially named it “Corona Extra”, given that the peak is connected to
Corona Ridge. And that's the name I’m going with.
Back to Calvin. I
did two trips with Calvin way back in 2008 and I cannot rave enough
about the character of the man – humble, soft-spoken, and a class act in every
way (much like Doug). Calvin is also known for his super adventurous treks,
often picking unknown and obscure objectives in favour of the more traditional
ones. I check his webpage regularly to see what he’s been up to.
Onto the trip.
Firstly, this peak is not for the faint of heart! It starts with a good trail,
paralleling Totem Creek on its north side, but when that trail ends so does any
semblance of good footing for the remainder of the trip. The trail is well
marked with flagging and generally quite easy to follow. Admittedly, I was a
little uncomfortable hiking it solo. The trail is sometimes very close to the
raging and noisy creek. I yelled as loud as I could throughout to warn any
bears in the area but knew my screaming would be drowned out by the creek.
I was quite
relived to exit the forested area and arrive at more open slopes above the
creek. Although Graeme Pole’s hilarious statement, “Adjust your
left leg so that it is shorter than the right by about 15 cm - that's how much
side-hilling there is on this ascent,” refers to the once trail-less initial
part of the trip, it very much applies to the next section. Travel for the
several kilometres or so is never awful, but it is slow and tedious. There is
too much bush near the creek so you must stay high on the loose, rubbly slopes.
Thankfully, the awesome scenery all around helps to alleviate some of the
tedium. As soon I as saw an opportunity
to descend to the creek I did so and was rewarded with some incredible
waterfall scenery – as stated the creek was raging!
Already thoroughly impressed and satiated with
the amazing scenery, I wasn’t quite ready for what sat above. Atop the
waterfall was a colourful glacial pond that I thought was pretty darn cool – that
was until I saw lake that was feeding the glacial pond. The unnamed lake was
absolutely stunning – a turquoise oasis, surrounded by light forest, several of
the striking Murchison Towers, and Totem Tower – definitely one of the most
idyllic bodies of water I’ve ever seen. I took my first break here to take it
all in.
Although I would have loved to explore the left
side of the lake, doing so would have required several ups and downs and lots
of extra time – time I felt I didn’t have. Therefore, I forded the lake outlet
and hiked around the easy right side. More good news: the stunning lake I had
just visited was being fed by a larger lake, higher up the valley. Another
scenic jaunt, following the creek ensued and soon I was at the second lake,
often referred to as Totem Lake. Though not quite as breath-taking as the
first, Totem Lake still provided outstanding scenery.
Beyond the lake, the remainder of the ascent
went without a hitch. Views throughout were utterly engrossing. Given the relatively
flat and expansive nature of the summit, the best way to thoroughly see the surroundings was
to walk around the perimeter. The walk granted outstanding views of Corona
Ridge, the complex array of Murchison and its towers, and a host of unnamed but
impressive peaks and ridges in the immediate vicinity. It also led to a
different descent route off the peak boasting much of the same in terms of views
and also some terrific cornice scenery.
The remainder of the descent was slow at first,
as I naturally had to retake all the photos I had taken on ascent with the Sun
now in a different position in the sky! Once back on the trail, my speed and motivation
to finish increased.
I’ve said it multiple times over the years, and
I’ll inevitably say it again: “very simply, one of the best trips I’ve ever done”.
Huge shout-out to Calvin for paving the way.

The start: Totem Creek and Bison Peak

Mount Chephren is going to be the center of attention through much of the trip

The first thing you see after existing the forested section

Looking over to Spreading Ridge (right), the outlier I tried to ascend
(middle), and the bigger outlier that I doubt any human has stood upon

Remarkable rock all around

Crossing one of several creeks coming down from Bison Peak

The route ahead

A spectacular waterfall off Bison surrounding by spectacular rock

Close-up of the waterfall and a face of some type in the rock to the right - looks like an alien from Star Trek or Star Wars

Pano of the rock wall on the south side of Bison

Howse Peak joins Chephren

A big rock joins them both

Another magnificent waterfall

A steep but easy rubble gully leads to even better views of the waterfall

Lots of cool, eroded rock to keep you entertained

Looking back through the walls of the gully

More cool rock, the waterfall, and the first good look at Totem Tower

Better view of the waterfall

This wasn't bad either

Above the waterfall sits a small glacial pond

One of the more striking of the Murchison Towers

The glacial pond and Totem Tower

Same as above with a bunch of the Murchison Towers thrown in

Looking back to Chephren and Howse once again

The stream that connects the glacial pond to....

...this. Approaching the prize of the trip.

Pond at the left and the lake at the right

That striking tower again

One of the most beautiful lakes I've ever seen

Same as above

Big, random chunk of snow/ice on the right side of the lake

There'll be even more looking back now!

The road ahead


More idyllic scenery along the creek that connects the smaller lake to the bigger one that's coming up

Another outlier/tower

The terrain steepens and the creek gets more dramatic

A huge chunk of this snow must have broken off into the creek recently

Same as above with our two favourites

It's definitely long exposure photo time!

Same as above

Another small pond precedes the really big guy

The pond and another tower

White Pyramid (behind Chephren) makes a cameo appearance

Totem Lake
Still a few icebergs in the lake. That one looks like Greenland!

Saying goodbye to Totem Lake for now

Towers and the remains of mighty glaciers

The ascent route up Corona Extra is a little tedious, but otherwise benign

First good view over the other side of the Totem Tower/Corona Extra col

Totem Tower is not for the faint of heart. It's way above my pay grade!

Totem Tower and other towers

In retrospect, I should have attempted to scramble up to the ridge at
the left - it may be offered a view of both the lakes I had just

Towers, towers, towers! I should really research their individual names.

The two summits of Mount Murchison. The one in the centre (southeast summit) is the true summit.

Close-up of the Murchison summits

Unnamed ridge to the north

Corona Ridge joins in at the right

Summit view to the north. Corona Ridge (left) and Marmota Peak (right) are the dominant mountains

Unnamed and Corona

Corona Ridge

Marmota Peak

Some big cornices still hanging onto life on the north side

Same as above

Distant Mount Hector

Views while descending the north and east aspects of Extra

Same as above

And again. This was one of my favourite views of the day.

Totem Totem is still the center of attention, but the cornice at the left certainly caught my eye

That one

A splash of colour farther down the ridge

Still fixated on Corona Ridge

Nice contrast of rock colours

Last look at Corona and company

Heading back and still awed by Totem Tower

Following my footsteps in the snow back

Parting look at Totem Lake

Back to the interesting snow section

Parting look at the stream that connects the major lakes

Back at the first lake for Round 2 of "excessive photography"!

Such a cool colour

Regrettably leaving

Checking out the waterfalls again

Same as above

Same as above

The wind picked up and the spray from this waterfall was actually blowing back up

Totem Tower (left ) and South Totem Peak

Hello to Howse and Chepren again

Back at the road
The End