Mount Lady MacDonald
(false summit)
December 24, 2019
Mountain height: approximately 2500 m
Elevation gain: approximately
1200 m
Ascent time: 4:05
Descent time: 2:30
Snowshoeing with Mark.
With pretty scary avalanche conditions in most parts of the Rockies,
picking a safe trip became the crux of this day, as we left Calgary without an
objective in mind. After eliminating pretty much everything we could think of,
Mark suggested the Mount Lady MacDonald trail to the helipad, with the
possibility of making it to the false summit – the true summit, gained by a
very narrow ridge scramble, was obviously not on the agenda.
It turned out to be a great decision. The popular trail had been broken
all the way to the open shoulder (helipad) and was perfect for snowshoes. As
well, some alpenglow on Mount Rundle and terrific wintery views helped ease the
tedium of the significant amount of elevation gain (for snowshoes anyway!)
The only downside of the ascent to that point was being greeted at the
shoulder by a stiff wind that made temperatures bone-chilling. Nevertheless,
the ascent slope from the shoulder to the false summit was mostly windblown and
avalanche risk minimal to non-existent – game on for the false summit. We
slowly made our way up, being extra careful about cornices on the east side
upon reaching the ridge. The insanely cold wind ensured our summit stay would
not be more than five minutes, but a breath-taking five minutes it was. An
array of named and unnamed peaks to the east garnered almost as much attention
as the daunting knife-edged, corniced ridge to the true summit of Lady Mac.
Thankfully the first part of the descent was fast and easy and getting
out of the biting wind, a sheer relief. Only a surprise encounter with a huge
ram bounding up the slopes within a few metres of where we stood stopped us in
our tracks – a beautiful sight, but also a sad reminder for me of the Los
Angeles Rams’ disappointing, play-off-less 2019 season :(
The descent from the helipad was likewise easy, although I’m was glad we
decided to wear snowshoes throughout, the steep and sometimes slick trail not
providing enough friction in places for boots alone.
A surprisingly excellent trip and great objective when conditions are suspect.

Blurry, dark, early morning view of the objective

The Three Sisters

A little alpenglow on Mount Rundle

This open area had a ton of tracks going up it - all animal

Still getting great morning Sun on Rundle

Lots of deep snow on the mountain today

Many thanks to those who broke the trail. Getting through sections like these would have been tough without a broken trail.

Nearing treeline, the views to the west start to open up

First view of the upper slopes of Lady MacDonald - true summit at the left, false just right of centre

Looking up the Bow Valley

Mark arrives at the ridge....

...where this view awaits
Big Grotto Mountain at the left

The ridge leading to the helipad was one of the highlights of the trip, thanks to all the new snow and beautiful blue skies

Shapely cornices are starting to form

A pleasant section with reprieve from the wind and a great view of The Three Sisters

Almost at the helipad

Views from the helipad

"Grable Peak" in the centre. We made two failed attempts at reaching the summit from Grotto Creek along time ago.

Heading up to the false summit. Very little photo-taking from here on, due to the cold temperatures.

Almost at the ridge, with the false summit at the left

On the ridge, looking at the stunning and terrifying east side of Lady MacDonald

Mount Townsend (just right of centre) has seen a string of ascents in recent years

"Cougar Peak" (centre)

Mark is almost at the ridge

Just a short ascent to the summit from here, but the cornice deserves to be given a very wide berth

At the false summit

The ridge to the true summit. The snow makes the ridge look much wider than it really is.

Cascade Mountain


Grable and Grotto again

Mark rests at the edge of the helipad. Interesting how a panoramic photo curves the pad.

Looking up to a man at the false summit. We watched him splitboard down the mountain.

Good thing we didn't pick an objective farther west.

Last look at Grotto

Back near the start
The End