Prairie Bluff XV
July 2, 2021
Mountain height: 2258 m
Elevation gain: 558
Round-trip time: 4:30
Scrambling and a little climbing with Rogan, Kian, and Mark.
Both Mark and I were delighted when his boys
(my nephews) asked to do a scramble. The north route of Prairie Bluff was the
first objective that came to mind. For youngsters this is the perfect trip:
short, minimal elevation gain, and tons of options to enjoy easy to difficult
scrambling on generally good rock. We took climbing gear with us just in case.
Getting to the start of the scrambling
section is really the crux of the trip. The ascent slope has good footing but
is relentlessly steep. Rogan tore up the slope in no time, leaving us all in
the dust. Once everyone had caught up with the speedster, we roped up, having
decided to tackle a few challenging lines up the beautiful rock. This section
proved to be super fun and both Rogan and Kian made the short sections of scrambling/climbing
look easy.
Above the scrambling sections we continued up
the easy ridge, enjoying beautiful weather and rock scenery. Eventually, Rogan
and Mark decided to stop while Kian and I continued on to the summit. Kian made
the summit in fine form, and we took a short break to enjoy the view and celebrate
his achievement.
For descent, once reunited with Rogan and
Mark, we took an easier, alternative route near the drainage that separates two
and the three ridges on the north/northeast side of the mountain. Once again
Rogan led the way and we followed, trying our best to keep up with him.
A super fun day with three of my favourite
human beings!

Me, Rogan, and Kian are ready to go. The ascent route is right behind us.

Rogan leads the way up the crux of the trip: getting up the steep, grassy slopes to the rock above.

A rocky outcrop along the way provides a nice perch for the boys

Rogan is the first to reach the rock face

Looking over to the other ridge. There is tons of spectacular rock and room for exploration on this ridge: Prairie Bluff X, Prairie Bluff XI, Prairie Bluff XIII

Mount Gladstone

The yellow lichen on the dark rock looks spectacular late in the day when the Sun is shinning on it

Rogan explores a gap in the rock

Rogan (left) and Kian (right) tackle the first rock step

The next step

Happy little climber

Step 3 coming up

Step 3

Kian on the rubbly terrain between the climbing sections

Rogan tackles one of the harder steps

My turn to lead

Kian on the final rock step of the trip

Kian at the top of the climbing

Rogan takes the lead again

Kian poses, I'm trying to catch up with Rogan

Kian finds a nice chuck of ripple rock. He was quite surprised to learn that this rock once resided at the bottom of a sea.

Windsor Mountain (left) and striking Castle Peak

Fourteen or so visits to its summit and the view from Prairie Bluff never loses its cache!!

Kian approaches the summit stump

Great job big fella (the guy on the right); the guy on the left is just old.

Too bad all mountains didn't have a summit stump instead of a summit cairn - they are great to sit on!

Victoria Peak - always a pleasure: I, II, III

Heading down with the whole group

Rogan took the lead again

Typical terrain on the alternate descent route

Kian and Mark carefully make their way down

Heading down into the beautiful little valley that separates the ridges

Rogan waits for the slow-pokes

And he's off again

Kian and the other ridge

At the rocky outcrop again

Dad and sons back at the start. Great day with great people!
The End