Dundy Junior IV

June 29, 2024
Mountain height: 2140 m
Elevation gain: 650 m
Round-trip time: 3:30
Solo scramble.
Nothing new to
add to what has become one of my “go-to” routes in Waterton. I will only reiterate
that this little peak, offers a good, but not devastating workout, amazing
views, and lots of options for descent.
Wildflower close-ups
became the focus of this fourth ascent. Also of interest were the epic grizzly
diggings along the southeast ridge – my descent was epically noisy!

The objective from a short ways up the peak. The new growth will
make this ascent increasingly difficult over the next few years.

First decent view of Anderson Peak (summit at the right)
Wildflowers: Round 1

Very hairy leaves!

Typical grade of the ascent
Round 2

Rounds 3

Fallen burnt trees, like the one in front, will also make many routes in Waterton more challenging over the years

The view opens up

A startled blue grouse

Here comes Round 4
Round 4


View to the northwest

The grade of the ascent eases

Round 5 (but it's a short one)

Newman Senior

At the summit
Summit views

Heading down the southeast ridge

Dundy Peak at the right

Looking down one of many potential descent routes


Rogan, Galwey North, and Mount Galwey

Easy and rewarding travel down the ridge

Looking down the other side of the ridge into a branch of Lost Horse Creek

Grizzly diggings - and there were tons of them

Heading directly towards the road at this point
Round 6

A band of exposed red argillite is featured from this route. Going all
the way down to Lost Horse Creek would mean missing this scenery.
Round 7 features the argillite, not the flowers

Round 7 is over

The road is visible

Newman Senior again. My last trip up there with Dave was harrowing to say the least! Mr. McMurray documents it well.

Short walk along the road back to the parking lot
The End