Fairview Mountain III
Saddle Mountain III
February 26, 2022
Mountain heights: 2744 m, 2433 m
Elevation gain:
approximately 1200 m
time: 7:05
Solo snowshoe.
Repeating a snowy ascent of Fairview Mountain
has been on my do-to list for some time. A winter-like ascent (and thrilling
Crazy Carpet descent) with Mark, in May of 2003, still providing enough
motivation to do a repeat trip, 19 years after the fact.
I was waiting for a clear weather day and
thought I had one. Unfortunately, I decided to ignore a tiny little bump from 8
am to noon on the cloud cover section of the Spot Wx forecast. The forecast was
bang-on. The cloud cover was never thick but overcast enough to “rain on my
parade”. As such, instead of rushing up to the summit of Fairview I decided to
explore the area a little. This led to an unexpected ascent to the col southwest
of Fairview. The peak southwest of col looked incredibly inviting but
incredibly dangerous. Instead, I settled for a minor summit northwest of the
col and then an easy hike to the summit of Fairview.
By this time, a clearing trend was in the works.
Unfortunately, neither time nor the summit conditions were on my side. Cold, blustery
weather forced me to leave after only a 5-minute summit stay.
No Crazy Carpet this time, but I did manage
to glissade a significant portion of the descent. By the time I was down to the
Fairview/Saddle col the clearing trend had fully materialized and the wind had
settled down. Given those facts and the minimal effort required to ascend Saddle
Mountain, I was helpless to resist a third ascent of the diminutive peak. Of
course, it yielded the same amazing views I had seen twice before, but every bit
as enthralling. As usual, the descent was an all-downhill breeze – my favourite
Not quite the glorious and triumphant return to
this wonderful mountain I was hoping for, but gratifying, nonetheless.

Mount Hector is one of the first amazing sights on the Saddleback Pass Trail

The south side of Fairview

Saddle Mountain is the third

Disappointing view at Saddleback Pass. Fairview Mountain at the right.

The beautiful duo of Haddo Peak and Mount Aberdeen

Sheol Mountain

Gaining elevation towards the col southwest of Fairview

The southwest outlier of Fairview

Trying to get a decent view of Aberdeen's famous north glacier route

It's a very steep and very icy one!

At the col

The outlier to the southwest that initially looked inviting but got scarier and scarier

Two far less intimidating objectives: a minor outlier (left) and Fairview Mountain

The scary outlier between Haddo and Aberdeen

Atop the minor outlier

Small, but nice cairn

The big quartzite boulders are one of the best features of mountains in this area

...but look much better when not snow-covered and with completely clear skies

Improving view to the south and west as I head towards the summit of Fairview

There's some cool quartzite!

View with quartzite


Mount Temple now towers over Sheol

Like Fairview, Mount St. Piran (foreground) is a small peak (compared to its neighbours), but its summit is easily achieved has awesome views

Fairview summit only steps away

At the top

One of the best summit views in the area

Same as above

Closer look at Haddo and Aberdeen

Massive Mount Victoria

The North Summit of Victoria

Unnamed (left) and Popes Peak. Failed twice to reach the summit of Unnamed.

Mount Niblock - terrific Kane scramble

Two giants: Mount Douglas (left) and one of the most challenging mountains in the Canadian Rockies, Mount St. Bride.

At the opposite end of "challenging" is lowly and super easy Saddle Mountain, far below Fairview

More summit views

The wind picks up and the snow gets picked up

Calm again for a final look at Haddo, Aberdeen, Lefroy, and Victoria...

...and then Victoria North, Collier, Unnamed, Popes, and Whyte

Typical angle of the descent route

Typical views on descent

More quartzite

My glissade track

Saddle Mountain

Looking back at Fairview

The Fairview outlier is an impressive sight

Actually, it's all impressive from Saddleback Pass!

Heading for the ridge of Saddle

Evidence that "Avalanche Sharks" was filmed here - makes Jaws look like Sesame Street!

No Aberdeen anymore, but Sheol from this angle is a pretty good substitute

The view that gets better with each metre of elevation gained


Molar Mountain, with Molar Tower in front and slightly right

I think that's Cataract Peak at the right but don't quote me

Three popular Kane scrambles to the east in the Skoki area: Richardson, Pika, and Ptarmigan

Another - Fossil Mountain

More snow cover here would be nice

Bet it's chilly atop Temple!

All of the Temple's wicked north face

An imposing view of Sheol and Haddo

Pinnacle, Eiffel, and some the of the peaks of The Valley of Ten Peaks can be seen to the south

View from the first highpoint. I love the symmetry of this view with
Aberdeen in the centre and Temple and Fairview on either side. Of
course appearances are deceiving here, as Temple is significantly
higher than the others.

Closer - impossible not to take a million photos of the same thing here - the view is just that good!

Heading to the big summit cairn

The cairn and Fairview

View from the true summit

Mount Temple and Little Temple at the left

Last look before the wonderfully easy descent
The End