Mount Lougheed III

September 21, 2013
Mountain height: 3107 m      
Elevation gain:    1400 m
Round-trip time:  approximately 6 hours
Solo scramble.
A third run up this incredibly striking and prominent mountain was needed in order to better familiarize myself with the easiest route to the second peak (true summit) of the three-summit massif. I completed the route in 2008 with Calvin Damen but failed to make decent notes on the exact line.
I had almost forgotten what a terrific route this is from beginning to end: the beautiful mossy forest near the beginning, a thoroughly engaging jaunt up Spencer Creek, a surprisingly pleasant and also engaging ascent to the top, and a magnificent summit view to "top" it all off!
While clear skies dominated for most of the ascent, trouble was brewing to the west. Cresting the west ridge of the mountain, I was shocked to see dark clouds and volatile weather rapidly streaming in. This did provide some cool, atmospheric views and a partial rainbow, but also a strong desire to “get the h$@# outta' Dodge!”. I had planned to go to the third peak, however, the dark ominous clouds were saying, “not on my watch!”. After a short summit stay, I more or less ran down the mountain to avoid getting caught in a deluge, a lightning storm, or both.     
Surprisingly neither materialized. I spent much of the descent staring at almost clear skies over Lougheed and brooding ones in my direction of travel. The weather did completely deteriorate by the end of the trip.
A great day out on a wonderful mountain.

The wonderful mossy section of the trail near the beginning

Mount Nestor

Close-up of the very impressive west side of Lougheed's second peak - the objective

Less close-up

Looking back to Little Lougheed - often a terrific year-round objective

  Approaching the upper confines of Spencer Creek

Part of Mount Sparrowhawk's fierce north face

A small section of the cool, water-worn rock of Spencer Creek

Same as above

Same as above

And again

Heading over to the ascent slopes between the second and third peaks

Still enamored with the west face

The route to the summit is revealed

A big cloud is suddenly revealed too!

The ridge to the left of the route is spectacular

The walls on the right side are pretty cool too

Same as above

The obvious reason why traverses from Mount Sparrowhawk (right) to Wind Mountain (left) are unheard of

The route magically gets above the steep walls via this path

Still enjoying the beautiful rock

The grade eases a little for the final push to the ridge, but it's still steeper than it looks

The third peak and Wind Mountain (sometimes called the fourth peak)

That doesn't look good!

The Three Sisters are getting lots of Sun but the first peak of Lougheed is denied for now.
Kevin and I visited that summit in 2006.

Old Goat Mountain (centre) and massive Spray Lake

On the southwest ridge of the objective

Close-up of The Three Sisters: Faith, Charity, and Hope

The true summit is a pleasant ridgewalk away

Now the first peak is getting Sun and what a photogenic mountain it is

Mount Allan to the left of the third peak

Last section of the ridgewalk

Looking back to the southwest end of the ridge

At the summit

The partial rainbow

The McGillivray/Lorette/Skogan massif

Mount Allan

Mount Bogart

Time to leave!

Sometime later the threatening weather has cleared over Lougheed

That cloud again!

Still potential to get caught in the rain on descent

A rock that looks like in was a victim of gun violence!

Last look at the beautiful Spencer Creek valley

Good thing I didn't linger tobogart2.htmbogart2.htmo long, as the weather closed in near the end of the trip.

The End