O Peak II
December 4, 2022
Mountain height: 2760 m
Elevation gain: 1000 m
Ascent time: 4:50
Descent time: 2:40
Solo snowshoe and some mountaineering.
The impressive massif east of Dolomite
Peak is home to multiple highpoints, none of which has an official name. The
highest summit has gained the unofficial titles “OXO Peak” and “Puzzle Peak” –
an awesome, but challenging ascent with way too many loose boulders for comfort
– especially for anyone below you! However, other highpoints on the ridge can
be almost as rewarding and far less dangerous. I discovered this on a fantastic
trip in the summer of 2021, marred tragically by less-than-perfect weather. Well,
the weather on December 4, 2022 was looking a darn sight better and so I drove
to the Mosquito Creek parking lot, put on my snowshoes and set forth.
The first few kilometres went by fairly
quickly on a packed down trail – the next few not so! Deep, unsupportive snow conspired
to make travel slow and grueling, especially as a solo snowshoer. I started to
regret my decision to try the route as a winter trip when my progress slowed to
a virtual crawl. Having a partner or ten would have helped immensely!
As always, however, the perfectly blues
skies and increasingly impressive views kept me moving upwards. Also increasing
was the grade of the ascent slope and snowshoes were soon replaced with
crampons and an ice axe.
Trying to beat the predicted breakdown of the weather
around noon, I pushed on without taking any breaks. By the time I reached the
ridge, I was exhausted and still a fair distance from any summit. Regrettably,
I downgraded the objective to any viewpoint on the southeast side of the
Fortunately, the windblown ridge
granted much easier travel on a mix of thin snow and scree. My progress
improved marginally but was now going to be hampered by some outrageously cool
rock and snow scenery along the ridge – never a bad thing! Enjoying the insanely
beautiful deep blue December sky, the aforementioned scenery, and fantastic
views all around, stopping short of any summit was not going to be an option.
The weather did not breakdown (at any point of the day in fact), and though my
energy level was waning rapidly, my motivation to reach the summit
was on a rise.
I dragged myself up to the summit of
what I call “O Peak” (the youngest and southeastern-most sibling of “OXO Peak”)
just shy of the 5-hour mark. The summit view was of course spectacular, benefiting
immeasurably from all the new snow, and a crystal-clear sky.
Hoping to make to back to the car
before dark set in, I left the top after an all too brief rest. Thankfully the
deep snow that made for such a grueling ascent reciprocated by offering an
almost effortless trip down. Still, getting back to the main trail
was sheer relief. And, as is
always the case, the hike/snowshoe back along the Mosquito Creek Trail seemed
to go on forever, even though it’s only a few kilometres.
Overall, an incredible day of stunning winter

First glimpse of the objective

Mosquito Mountain - awesome in summer and winter but quite challenging in winter

Out into the open Mosquito Creek Valley. The lower slopes of the
objective in shade at the left; Quartzite, Ramp, and Mosquito getting
some Sun.

An hour of labourious travel later and finally getting out of the shade

The upper slopes to get to the ridge are steeper than they look.
Avalanches would be a major concern here in different conditions.

On the ridge and look west to the awesome Dolomite Shoulder and Dolomite Peak (right)

Another couple of familiar favourites: Molarstone Mountain and The Fang

The Fang

Mosquito is going to gets lots of photo love

Sections of the ridge were completely snowfree
Close-up of the awesome towers of Dolomite Peak

Someone has chosen to remain standing when everyone else is lying down

Same as above from a different angle. "OX Peak" behind.

Looking up the ridge

OX and the super cool, red rock band below. Incredible colours of oxidized rock abound.

The view to southeast gets better and better

Approaching a steep, colourful rock wall on the east side


From here to the summit it's just one magnificent scene of rock and snow after another

Not to mention breath-taking views

Staying off the cornices became a theme for the remainder of the ascent

Noseeum Peak is a visual companion throughout the trip

This scene got a ridiculous amount of photo attention

Looking back wasn't bad either

Stunning rock band

The minor obsession with OX continues

Finally the summit of O appears (centre); OX to the left

of the minor highpoint south of the summit. I ascended this one on the
previous trip but had to give it a miss on this one.

O and minor highpoint

Looking back to that stunning rock band

Unforced backtracking to see that band and the terrain around it

The backtracking granted this view

And this one

One more

Finally starting up towards the summit again

Distracted again

Passing by the minor highpoint

It gets more striking as you move farther north....

....until it suddenly resembles a mini K2!

The next section looks to be a little more challenging

The mini K2 becomes even more striking

Although it appears there's a route between these two outcrops, there's nothing but air on the other side of the snow

Mini K2 and Noseeum Peak

steep but short snow ramp going up and around to the right allows
access to the ridge continuation without having to lose much elevation

The other route looks a little stiff!

Always great each year to see a return of cool patterns and formations in the snow

The ramp

More cool rock above the ramp

Time be be obsessed with Mini K2

The view has really opened up

Mini K2 (lower right) looks very different now

Summit at the far left. I could have followed a direct route to the summit from here....

...but then I would have missed this view

...and this one

...and this one

...and especially this one!


OX and OXO

Pano to the northeast

Closer look at OX and OXO

Pulling back

Pano to the southwest

Bobac Mountain

The Willingdons

Ramp Peak

Mosquito Mountain


Molar Mountain and St. Bride in the distant left

Cataract Peak

Mount Hector

The up and down tracks of skiers

Lack of energy and daylight precluded a nostalgic visit to the colourful rock band


Passing by Mini K2 on return but from lower down

More interesting patterns in the snow

And a cool snow drift

The north side of Noseeum

Following my tracks back

Same as above

Looking up the route to the ridge

Relieved to be back on the main trail, as the Sun sinks below Bow Peak

Parting look at the trio

Parting look at O Peak

Close-up of O

The west side of Noseeum is good company on the way back to the parking lot
The End