North Outlier of Rainy Ridge
August 26, 2019
Mountain height: 2285 m
Elevation gain: approximately 900 m
Ascent time: 3:45
Descent time: 3:00
Solo scramble.
This trip started out as a simple reconnaissance to see if there were
any more changes to the approach to Middle Kootenay Pass, aside from the fact
that you now have to hike or bike the entire way from the Castle Mountain ski
However, as I got closer to the pass, I realized two things: 1. how much
I had missed this extraordinary area of the Rockies; 2. I had yet to attempt
the very prominent north outlier of Rainy Ridge. As such, upon reaching the
pass, I turned east and headed up Rainy’s outstanding west ridge. Of all the
routes up Rainy Ridge, this one continues to be a favourite, featuring
amazingly colourful rock and all kinds on hands-on scrambling opportunities.
At the first major highpoint, instead of turning southeast towards the
summit of Rainy I turned northeast. Unfortunately, the ridge going down to the
lowpoint had enough trees on it to make the descent somewhat tedious, as
staying directly on the ridge throughout was quite difficult. Nevertheless,
views towards the objective were terrific and the treeless ascent up the other
side more than made up for that shortcoming. Views from the summit of the outlier
were also very respectable, though clearly not as exciting as those from the
true summit of Rainy Ridge (no views of the Middlepass Lakes).
A surprising alternate descent down the seemingly very steep west face
of the outlier had presented itself on ascent. This would save me having to
re-ascend the first highpoint. However, the weather seemed to be improving and
I wanted to see red argillite section – one of the many highlights of the
ridge. It did not disappoint in the least. An easy hike and then exhilarating
bike ride ended the trip.
Glad I did it, but the North Outlier of Rainy Ridge will probably not
see me again.

Interesting weather and lighting over the Galwey (far left) to Rogan Peak traverse (right), as seen the night before

Rainy Ridge North Outlier is dead ahead, but still quite far away

Looking back to Barnaby Ridge - another Castle mountain I'd like to revisit someday

This mossy stream provides a scenic point of interest en route to Middle Kootenay Pass

The objective from near Middle Kootenay Pass

On the red argillite slopes of Rainy Ridge, looking back to Middle Kootenay Mountain (centre) - still one of our most memorable ever days in the mountains

Sweet argillite!

Mount Miles and Krowicki Peak - definitely a sentimental favourite

This section of krumholz sprouting from the red argillite scree is one of the highlights of Rainy's west ridge

Same as above with the objective in the background

Looking ahead to the next section of Rainy Ridge

Three Lakes Ridge - great ascent from the beautiful Middlepass Lakes

Heading up the ridge and looking over to Rainy North

Back down the ridge

Here comes the scrambly section

Typical terrain on/near the ridge

The very steep face that connects the highpoint to Rainy North

From the highpoint, the view towards Rainy North (left) and other things, including Lys Ridge

Jake Smith Peak can now be seen behind and to the left of Three Lakes Ridge

A better look at the objective and it's steep west face

The valley that is home to the Castle Mountain Ski Resort, as well as many great hiking/scrambling objectives

Splash of yellow lichen makes for some nice scenery

Random outcrop of rock near the lowpoint

The remainder of the route is straightforward

The surprising alternate descent route that bypasses all the steep stuff (mind you, it's still fairly steep!)

Mount Haig (far right) joins the view to the west

All of the ridge is visible from here

Although there was a big cairn on the east highpoint, the first summit (left) was clearly higher

Looking back to the higher summit and surrounding area

Castle Peak and Windsor Mountain appear to tower over Lys Ridge

Couldn't resist another look at some of the more interesting scenery on the way back to the highpoint

The summit block of Rainy Ridge

Love the combination of yellow and orange lichen

Back to the krumholz graveyard - probably the best part of the day

The red argillite section below the graveyard was the second best part of the day

Back on the Middle Kootenay Pass trail, looking at Rainy North

Rainy North and the connecting ridge to the highpoint

Parting look at Rainy North before the initially bumpy bike ride back - thankfully the last few kilometres were smoother
The End